31 Agustus 2006

Sewu Hills (Yogyakarta)

Sewu Hills Karst area formed by rock dissolubility. Covers about 13,000 km2 with unique geomorphology, indicated by conical limestone, domes, valleys (doline and poltje) and caves with stalactites and stalagmites inside, and also underground ri¬vers.

Based on its unique scientific values and also social phenomenon, the International Union of Speleology proposed that the Sewu hills area in Gunung Kidul regency, to be World Natural Heritage. Enjoy rock climbing at Siung Beach (Seropan and Watu Grupit).

Caving (Cerme, Seropan, Bri¬bin, Grubug, Jomblang and Kalisuci Cave), Historical and Religious Tourism (Rancang Kencono, Braholo and Maria Tritis Cave).


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